Thursday, June 26, 2014

School Work Reflection: Interesting

I have a strong belief online communities are our educational future. Its convenient, effective, affordable, and part of the “technological global straight-jacket.” When I began my online Master’s aspirations, being in Charleston, SC, I felt like my program choice was judged, and dis-credited by some people, who are used to traditional classrooms. Because my mother is an IT maverick, she gave me the encouragement and motivation to pursue women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) career path. The USFCA, MA, TESOL program is cutting edge, because we are emphasizing digital media, and IT systems to educate students. This is also, congruent to the rapid globalization of communication, collaboration, and diversity in education.

Through this course, we have discussed so many methods of education, ethics and ideals, that I have noticed throughout my online course, but did not, really, recognize until our discussions; for instance, netiquette policies, online equity, online community building practices, syllabus and module building. This course, has given me more awareness, as to what principals and policies our instructors use, in approaching online education. These are all areas I want to strategically share with my students, when I am a teacher.
I think the name of this course, “Cybercuture, Online Community Building,” is a cutting edge course, and depicts a main goal of mine, as a perspective educator, which is simply, create a community for collaboration and diversity in knowledge. I encourage you to visit my website, which I have been working on since the start of this class, CY&E, which I am stoked, I have claimed this Google domain.

I guess the question that I have, at this point in time, is in regards to the future of online language education. Since the beginning of this course, I have struggled to actually create activities and ways to “teach” ELL, probably because I have no experience in TESOL. I feel like, as of now, I can teach a teacher to setup an online communities, and show them the multi-media possibilities…but, I am not sure, how exactly, I am going to put this education to practice. This is not a question, I expect anyone to answer for me, but I would like to hear feedback on where my peers look to apply USFCA, MA-EDU to their career path? J Thanks guys.

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