Friday, October 17, 2014

Calculating Fluency

It is hot. Frog sits on a pad.
Frog sits still in the hot sun. He does not hop.
He does not jump. Frog is just too hot.
Fox is very sad. He wants to jump with Frog.
He wants to hop with Frog. But Frog just sits still.
Fox sits on a log. Fox comes up with a good plan.
Fox gets a very big fan for Frog.
Now Frog hops and jumps again.
Frog and Fox hop and jump together.
    Fox is very glad. 

Word Count: 86
86-15= 71/86=.82

82% Accuracy in fluency.
  1. Word Count
  2. Tally errors
  3. Subtract errors to get total of correctly read words
  4. Divide correct total by word count
  5. Decimal amount equals percentage of fluency

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