Saturday, November 29, 2014

Reading Processing, Scanning for Information Activity

M5, P2: Design one activity for students using authentic materials that focuses on a specific purpose for reading and a specific reading skill such as skimming, scanning, or extensive reading. Do not choose intensive or close reading. Be sure to describe the students your exercise targets.
Activity: Plan a movie night for the weekend. Class will view three movie trailers, that is appropriate for age, and information to ESL.
Objective: Reading Processing, scanning for specific information.
Scenario: Student has Saturday night to go to the movies with a friend. They get to pick the movie of their choice, out of three movie trailers watched in class. Their time frame to go out to movies is from 6PM- 9PM.
Resources: Students can visit,, this site is set for Denver, CO because that is were I hypothetically teach.

Goals: I want to students to be able to apply scanning to their everyday life. Scanning includes, knowing the specific information you want, to get the information you need. For example, the student, must organize timing with fiend, know which movie they are interested in, and then go to website to organize, and plan through scanning, which movie time fits their schedule. Students must find the movies, at specific time, and consider the length, time of the movie.

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