Thursday, September 25, 2014

Language Acquisition; Transference

In class, teacher plays a popular song in Portuguese, in English. The students recognize the utterances, lyrical sounds, and are familiarized with words, as they know in Portuguese. Multi-cultural classroom, play a popular movie, such as “Finding Nemo,” in English, students resonate with film plot, and pictures.

Silent Period:
Introductory ESL class, takes a trip to market. Students observe interactions between people buying a selling. There is no interaction, just observations. Questions are asked and answered back at class. Class trip back to the market, 2-6 months later, to practice market interaction, students are now consumers.

Small group activity, all students are from Mexico. They are studying for exam. They use Spanish and English with non-verbal queues to ask and explain information to each other.

Language Loss:

Advanced ESL course, students have been in the US, for 4+ years. Student(s) are active in school, sports, clubs, and friends. English is the primary language used at home. Parents are learning too. Student begins tutoring beginner ESL prevent language loss.

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